POWER JAM [Press Release]

Press Release


Power Jam Page: facebook.com/cm.powerjam
Press Release by: Lukhendro Keisham

Driven with the idea to promote Rock Music Culture in Manipur the ‘Club Muzik’ will host its first Musical Jam session entitled ‘Power Jam’ on the 17th of Nov. at Manipur Dramatic Union (MDU) Hall, Yaiskul Police Lane, Imphal. The Event which is also planned to be held in various Town and Venues across the entire State so as to cover all the Bands and Artist of Manipur.

Though projected as a monthly one the event is likely to be conducted monthly due to sponsorship restrains and local scenarios. It is completely a self-sponsored for the time being and the organizers believe that with Power Jam the participating Bands and Artist will get a chance to share and experience a whole new level of musical transaction among themselves.

Registration was closed on the 13th of Nov. Club Muzik appeals all the citizens, communities, organizations, groups, fans and artists of Manipur to support such a humble cause. Details of the event can be had from facebook.com/cm.powerjam or mail at clubmuzikevents@gmail.com.
